I've learned it's nice to have the questions pinned in the comments. So, here are today's. (Now, to experiment with pinning a comment. I'm also gonna share this notes to see what that looks like.:)-):

* When did you suddenly or gradually realize something or some relationship didn’t suit you?

* What’s your favorite seeing an animal story?

* Do you pee a little when you laugh “too hard?”

Plus a poll for a title change--it's a damn fine thing after all.

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I missed you last week, too.

Pied-billed grebes!

I pee a little when I laugh or sneeze or am trying to get a key in the door to get to the toilet...I have purchased an online course from a PT I much respect to address this, but have yet made time to complete the course.

When you know you know ... I was on a backcountry bike trip with someone I had been struggling to have a relationship. We were far from anywhere in the Chilcotins and there was a dilapidated outhouse at our campsite. I went in after him and noticed the glinting foil of his wet wipe wrapper in the depths of the pit. It was at that moment I knew. His borderline narcissism had been bothering me for weeks, months?, and this small act of not caring about who might have to clean his trash from this remote location or not caring about the beautiful lands of this remote place he traveled so far to experience helped me see so clearly. I never told him that this was the moment -- discussing the details no longer mattered because I saw so clearly.

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Well, let me know if the course goes well. :)

Aw, the moments. I never spoke about these things either. It definitely wasn't necessary. Thank the pied-billed grebes for clarity. ;)

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When did you suddenly or gradually realize something or some relationship didn’t suit you?

I had quit drugs and booze...and cut off my dreadlocks and started washing and wearing clean clothes... and shoes.

She decided to shave her head, get nipple rings a tounge ring and a tattoo as a response. This was in 1997.

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That makes sense. 😊

Aw, life’s phases.

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Holly! The writing in this piece is beautiful. Your descriptions at the start about the different animals you saw was incredible — I found myself thinking: “where is she? I want to go there, it sounds amazing.”

I particularly liked:

“In the saffron glow of late afternoon, a smallish one, maybe 250 pounds, navigated driftwood logs in our direction before melting into the tree line when our gazes met.”

“At dawn, whales (or maybe orcas) glided just below the surface, their satin backs like long charcoal commas sliding above the pewter just there...”

“On the other side of the bluff, an egret, ancient like a dinosaur or an old master, tai-chi’d on a craggy rock, unfazed as the rock disappeared into the rising tide.”

I could go on and on, but I’ll just say this: there were just as many wonderful lines that stood out in your poem and your piece called ‘It took NewYork’.

Thanks for a great read Holly, some really lovely writing.

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Michael, thank you! Yes, if you ever have the chance, I highly recommend the place I was backpacking. It's through the Hoh Rainforest and then along the south coast of the Olympic Wilderness in the Olympic Park of Washington, US. So much abundance, of life and of water.

Your comments are such a gift. What a delight to receive them.

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If I ever make it back to America, which I hope to, I’ll be sure to check it out — as it sounds beautiful.

Thanks Holly :)

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