A wonderful collection here, Holly.

I loved what Adaeze Elechi said about creativity.

I also loved what you said here β€”

β€œTo sleep and eat and roam and connect the dots of who you are and what your place in the world is in spaces little touched by our human foibles is the gift of a lifetime.”


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Thanks for these recommendations, Holly.

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Thank you for reading, Cathy! β™₯️β™₯️β™₯️

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So very true, Holly -- "What a beautiful reminder that what matters is what we create up close and personal. " And all of it, actually. xo

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Thanks, Jeanine!

xo back your way β™₯️

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Thank you, Holly, for this list of writers with words I want and need to read. As always, I look forward to reading your work.

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Thank you, Paulette. I appreciate you dearly.

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This is chock full of excellent reading, thanks Holly!

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Thank you, Donna.

Man, I'm grateful for the wonderful things to read here.

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Beautiful offering Holly. And calling.

β€œNow, more than ever, I’m compelled to remember with my head, heart, and feet how strangers, how those among us who are most vulnerable belong to meΒ /Β how we all belong to each other.

With an emphasis on β€œfeet” as you remind us all that the embodiment of our belong asks that we reach our hands, walk toward, connect, and embrace.

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Sending thoughts of ease and renewal your way Holly. Let it be. All of the links and your writing are greatly appreciated! May your future travels and new friends take you on boundless adventures!

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Thank you so much Holly. Sitting with Fredrick words right now. So needed.

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Sooo needed. And yours too, my friend.

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Fabulous, wise list. And I can't wait to see the piece you're working on!

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Thank you. πŸ₯°

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Thank you for curating these resources. I’ve saved Joseph’s post to read later. Best of luck with the piece you’re working on, this work is important.

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That piece is so, so good.

Thank you, Stephanie. I’m so glad you’re here.

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A deep and broad perspective that increases appreciation for who we are, wherever we are. Gratitude abides!

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Good morning, Holly. I have been thinking of you. Right now we are on a journey we did not choose, you especially. This week I have definitely struggled emotionally with what's happening. Many days I can do my little piece (call or write a legislator) and then put it away and be present in my life. But last Tuesday I couldn't shake the suffering and then had a personal unpleasant reminder of what a small percentage of the people in my new area are in alignment with me. I often feel so isolated here. Of course, even here there ARE people fighting for the same things I believe in, but being the new kid plus super crunched on time lately it has been difficult to come together in community.

My daily go-to's for information and inspiration are probably known to most - Heather Cox Richardson and Rebecca Solnit. One small shift I've made is sometimes writing to my more local representatives as the State Leg is in session and deciding some very important bills. This feels like an important, but less visible act - a little less like screaming into the void at the federal level.

I'll leave with a Brene Brown quote: Strong backs, soft fronts, and wild hearts.

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What you are doing is so important Heather! Be good to yourself, that your back, front and heart may flourish and bring the change you desire. Every act brings the desired change.

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So much here to reflect upon. What grabs my attention is the collapse of symbols, the real nature of the overwhelm. Institutions built over decades to protect the common good are being stripped down, with nothing coherent to take their place. It's not simply a complaint that my "side" is losing, but that people are moving fast and breaking things, and we don't know where it is going, and it doesn't look like anything good.

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Beautifully expressed and written Holly, so many sentiments I hold, thank you.

Have you come across the writings of Sarah Kendzior , here on substack. I think you would like her and her books etc.

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