Thank you for sharing such a beautiful, touching exchange between you two. It was lovely getting to know how you both are, what you care about, what you're working on, how you brave the world in different ways. I love the notion to share bravely as you feel the calling to do so. I myself write comfortably on some things, like I have no trouble talking about chronic pain, but I may be still a little bit shy on sharing ALL my thoughts lol. This space and people here inspire me to be more comfortable with expressing myself, where in other places it may be frowned upon.

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Oh yeah, I hear that. I'm following my gut right now in terms of what parts of my life I want to write about. There are a couple topics I've known I wanted to get into and I'm easing little droplets of them in here and there. That feels good, like it's creating a gentle path of inevitability to wind my way there, mostly for myself but maybe also for people who read me too.

Yes, isn't this place such a treasure that way. So pleased it's connecting me to brilliant hearts and minds like you. :)

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Always follow your gut. It speaks truth and wisdom. I'm so delighted to have connected with you!

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Hi Holly, I found you on Sarah Fay's Friday office party and came over for a visit. Love what you are doing here, read your three memoir chaps and look forward to more. I'm from Sydney, Australia and in the 70s, a girlfriend and I landed in LA the day after the Patti Hearst shoot out and hitched up the west coast all the way to Vancouver then across Canada to Montreal, then in a big diagonal to Mexico and Central America. I ended up back in Oregon where I found work out of Eugene planting trees, prob not too far from your winter cabin. Yes, the rain!! I know it well. We could only plant when it was raining as only then was the ground was soft enough. Then moved to Portland and joined an all girl latin jazz band as their percussionist. Was away from Oz for 4 years. Keep meaning to write about these years but when? Life so busy and so many things to write about and too many workshops to teach...

Anyway I love your memoir pieces, you write so beautifully and even though it's a different coast I feel I know the territory well. I spent quite a bit of time on Greyhound buses — I can still recall the smells, sounds, colours and atmos of those bus station scenes. You describe the traveling life so vividly.

Over on my stack last year I published 28 chaps of my travel memoir set in Vietnam and Cambodia in 2009, where I went searching for traces of my literary hero, the French writer Marguerite Duras, who lived the first 18 years of her life there. But it's also about mothers and melancholy, as I compare the life of MD with that of my mother, an artist and poet who suffered from bipolar illness.

I'm sorry this comment is going on way to long, but I did love your exchange with Ramona too, it's so nice to vicariously enjoy cabin life and warm winter fires. Here it's mid summer, but cooler today than you would expect.

And yes, thanks for your bravery, in striking out alone as you have, in making such an independent, and free life for yourself and offering us such inspiration. For while we may not have the courage to take the big steps you have, we are with you all the way. All the best, Jan.

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I really appreciated Ramona’s writing advice, it was super helpful and motivating.

Thanks to the both of you. :)

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She's terrific!

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Very cool, the bookends of your respective cabins - almost tailor-made for a cozy conversation by the fire... Let's see: working on "Lamb" of course, have his arc mapped out over the next 6 months-ish, and I would love to write some additional material to self-publish an actual book. I've had a story accepted for publication on-line, I'm very excited about that, I'd love to write more short fiction for lit journals and mags besides just what goes out on Ford Knows. At the same time, I'm trying to find a part-time job, starting freelance editing, planning my trip to the London Book Fair, starting a nutrition plan, settling in deeper to a meditation practice, staying sober, and trying to get out of my chair every day for 30 minutes of MOVE YOUR ASS! So, not much... 🤣😘

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So not much going on then? 🤣

Nutrition, book fair, meditation, and moving. Oh my. I love it. And more Lamb all the time please.

Congrats on the acceptance! Do, please, send a link my way so I can check it out. I'm hoping to publish it lit journals and the like too. A friend shared a fun game she plays with her writing group to prop each other up to submit and to celebrate rejections (and of course acceptances). I've been thinking it would be fun to start a similar group and game. Maybe you'd be interested. I owe you an email. I'll send you the deets there. ;)

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I'd totally be up for a submission game/group (that sounds kinda cheeky 🤣) - let's talk more about that.

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A wonderful conversation which it felt like a privilege to listen to.

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Thank you, Jeffrey. I feel privileged to have you listening. :)

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The privilege (and pleasure) is all mine.

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I love that this interview was more of a conversation.

Ramona’s cabin! Worth the work!

1. I’m serializing a WIP YA novel.

2. Bravery- Dive in. Trust the unknown.

3. Out my window- Western Red Cedars announce their presence first. While they are stately they are also soothing and complement the birches. The ferns are happy under any leafy canopy. There’s an old shedded antler that looks like a sculpture.

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Yay!! I always love hearing that writer friends are working on a book. It makes me feel in good company. It's a solitary work and an arduous one, and it feels a cozy sort of solidarity to know others know what it's like. Mmmm. Yes. Dive in! And what a wonderful view.

Is it your novel you're looking for an editor for?

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I love knowing I’m in good company too even though we are all alone in our own heads.

I will eventually need an editor for said novel.

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NOW! That's all we have. And oh yes your comments about backing into camp spots, keys and light at the ready... I have a weird/funny/mildly uncomfortable story about three men showing up at my parking spot at dusk one time. Clearly they ended up being harmless, but we are tasked with the weight of always assessing... A cabin in the woods to focus and write is delicious and the promise of a memoir even moreso. It's nice to meet your writing, as well, Ramona!

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"That's all we have." Truth distilled, my friend.

I'm glad all turned out well. :)

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Jan! I’m so glad you stopped by and introduces yourself. What an amazing journey--Sydney - LA - Montreal - Mexico - Central America! I can only imagine the stories you must have to tell! I do hope you find time to write about those years.

And yes, I’m quite close to Eugene. And oh my god, Greyhounds. Ha!

Isn’t Ramona wonderful! I’m so grateful to have connected with her. And so grateful to have connect with us. :)

Gonna jump over to your stack for a visit now. Vietnam and Cambodia are in my future. So I’m quite keen to read your stuff!

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