I like this 5x5 series idea, Holly — very cool!

I also enjoyed both sides of the questions.

I am so intrigued by this Camino de Santiago 800 kilometre walk!

And it was good hear more of your van life experiences/reflections.

I particularly liked, this:

“I’m now beginning to understand those periods, alongside non-nomadic periods as one and the same, which is to say life.”

Also, I subscribed to your to YouTube channel, because as someone who also puts vids on YouTube (mostly my skateboarding) I couldn’t help myself.

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Hahaha! Awesome. I haven’t posted a video in awhile now. Maybe I should do it again. I’ll subscribe back to yours.

And right?! The Camino has kept showing up to nudge me every couple years ever since I edited the book that first introduced it to me. Just a few months back, a trio of vanlife friends (with a couple decades more life experience than me) just walked it. Impressive! One day.

Thank you, Michael.

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Ohh and I forgot to say, thanks for the shout out in the note you posted a few days ago, I’m just catching up on my substack stuff and I just saw it :)

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You're welcome! And right?! So. much. to keep up with. :)

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Soooo much! But we’re trying haha 😅

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When I read your comment about the Camino showing up to nudge you every couple of years, something my dad always used to say to me pop in my head: the universe keeps presenting you with the same lessons (or in this case, walk trials) until you learn it. :)

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Your dad's a wise man. :)

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Great idea. Count me in; I'd love a chat with my polar opposite. My husband and I did Camino Lite--no packs or boring bits, paradors instead of refugios.

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Oh don’t think for a second you’re not on my list for one of these, Rona! 😍

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I loved the flip in conversations here, Holly. I naturally lean towards extremely long walks like the Camino Frances, Camino Portuguese and Croatia's Camino Krk. However, I often find myself reading about school bus and Airstream conversions and vanlife despite my aversion to road trips! My favourite places are actually car-free (Mürren, Switzerland; Caye Caulker, Belize) though a peculiar part of me wonders long and hard about competing in the Dakar Rally. Go figure! Thanks for this!

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Thanks, Jules! Oh my goodness, just looked up the Dakar Rally. Holy wow. That would be a whole adventure. If you do, I would be an extremely willing vicarious participant. Ha!

I was car free for a couple years awhile back while living in Santa Barbara, CA, which is an extremely bikeable and walkable city. And I absolutely loved the freedom of not having a car. Funny, though, it's the freedom of being able to go anywhere that I love most about the van, too. There's a them here. ;)

I so appreciate you reading and commenting.

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Well, I'll know exactly who to reach out to in the event that I need a getaway van for the Dakar! Have you read David Byrne's Bicycle Diaries? It's a fun one that explores urban planning and biking, everywhere. I read it prior to becoming a Talking Heads fan. I knew Psycho Killer (courtesy of my older, cool aunt), but that was it!

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Holly, you sent me a detailed message today and I have somehow lost it. I would love to collaborate, just need to figure out timing. Could you please resend the message?

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I will! ♥️

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I put a very sick gal through an intense toxin cleanse - that took one month, saunas, running every day..

then she did that full Camino de Santiago and did great :) Thats how I found out about that.

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Thank you!! I trust your plane was repaired or you got on another one and made your journey?

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I love this exchange - so natural it seems for a conversation between two travelers seeking something revealed to them along the way. I’ve always enjoyed my own company as much as I love community, and balance can be hard. But I love not being afraid of the former. Thank you for this @harleystarley

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Thank you, Kristin!! It was really such an enjoyable exchange. Megan and I felt like friends long before we ever went beyond reading each other’s work. I think one of the reasons I love writers and travelers--the commonality in both the seeking for what is revealed as we journey and the balance between company and solitude. Cheers to that. So glad you’re here, Kristin.

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Congrats on this new series. I love reading about women who enjoy their own company best. I treasure my alone time— especially as a writer. We entertain ourselves in our imaginations, don’t we?

I never heard of Camino or The Way. I love learning!

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Thank you! That’s the truth for sure. I can hardly imagine being a writer if you didn’t have a fairly decent relationship with alone time. ;) Thank you for reading, my friend.

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Hope to experience both the leather and the rubber one day ❤️❤️

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Fantastic! I've been thinking about the Camino for awhile, originally I imagined myself with a donkey named Lumpita but decided that was a bit too mad, even for me. Have you checked out Adam Nathan's Camino memoir? https://www.adamnathan.com/s/finisterre-love-and-loss-on-the-camino

Happy Holidays my dear! ❤️💚❤️

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Oh my god! I would love to catch a day or so of the journey with you and a donkey named Lumpita!! And no, I hadn’t yet. Adam Nathan’s relatively new to me, so I’ve not deep dived his stuff yet. Thanks for the tip!

Happiest of holidays to you, dear friend.

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There would undoubtedly be a lot of cussing and kisses on the Camino with Troy & Lumpita :D

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Love this.

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Thank you, Jiling! ❤️

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It is very interesting and expands my understanding to learn about life choices so different than my own. Also, I have a close friend who walked the Camino with her husband. She is very glad they did and is challenging her children to make that pilgrimage.

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I’m not sure I knew you had a friend who did this. No, I think I did. But how great! Wonder if any of her kids will take the challenge :)

Yeah, isn’t it great reading about lives lived differently than our own. It’s one of the best ways to experience what we don’t firsthand I think. ♥️

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Dec 27, 2023
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Yes, that is one of my favorite things about reading. So many lives I’d love to lead and adventures I’d love to experience. Finding authors to live them for me and let me share through there eyes--divine!

Thank you for commenting, Craig. So very glad to have you here.

What are some other experiences or adventures you’ve enjoyed reading about or would like to?

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